
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Who Is Using the Rational Unified Process?

More than a thousand companies were using the Rational Unified Process at the end of 2000. They use it in various application domains, for both large and small projects. This shows the versatility and wide applicability of the Rational Unified Process. Here are examples of the various industry sectors around the world that use it:

• Telecommunications
• Transportation, aerospace, defense
• Manufacturing
• Financial services
• Systems integrators

More than 50% of these users are either using the Rational Unified Process for e-business or planning to do so in the near future. This is a sign of change in our industry: as the time-to-market pressure increases, as well as the demand for quality, companies are looking at learning from others' experience, and are ready to adopt proven best practices. The way these organizations use the Rational Unified Process also varies greatly: some use it very formally; they have evolved their own company process from the Rational Unified Process, which they follow with great care. Other organizations have a more informal usage, taking the Rational Unified Process as a repository of advice, templates, and guidance that they use as they go along -- as a sort of "electronic coach" on software engineering.

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